YOUCHI GAS is focused on gas equipment. Firstly it is a professional supplier of gases equipment by proposing suitable solutions to customers.
It is mainly involved in equipment of N2, O2, H2, medical gases, and related facilities including compressors, dryers etc.
Secondly YOUCHI is involved in engineering work together with its partners. These engineering include a complete process of design, development, manufacturing, assemble, installation, startup, commissioning, construction.
Meanwhile it is an integrator for some projects that require many related and auxiliary facilities. The integration and coordination is important to gather complete parts to make a system.

YOUCHI is a specialist of gas equipment area and has a library of qualified suppliers.
YOUCHI has a team of sales with division of labor for customers of different countries, and do their job dutifully, no exaggeration or concealing. Services always come first.
YOUCHI has employed and unemployed service engineers ready for on site jobs, and some from our partners or sub-suppliers also work with us to do service on site.

Firstly we take full responsibility for what we have sold. It will our solution for any problem through ourselves or partners.

Secondly It is difficult for a user to select a qualified and reliable supplier among numerous suppliers. It is quite terrible for user to choose a poor manufacturer to work with!

Thirdly generally we have fine prices with agency, and provide better services attaching more importance to customers.

Fourthly a package of procurement for customers are one of our services with factory evaluations, goods inspection and acceptance, payment advancing etc.

Integrity, seriousness, dedication, responsibility are our core values. We treat each business seriously and provide full services all along.
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